Product maintenance

The materials used in the production of Roden hookahs are practical, durable and require easy maintenance.

After each hookah use, all the parts of the device shall be rinsed under running water and dried. It is especially important to clean the shaft (special brushes are provided for this purpose). Rinse the shaft with warm water (water temperature shall not exceed 40°C), clean it with a brush and rinse again.

After you have washed all the parts of the hookah with water, you need to carefully wipe them with a microfiber towel and dry them until completely dry at room temperature (20-22°C)


  • Do not use abrasive sponges and abrasive detergents to clean the hookah surface. This can lead to rubbing of the hookah surface and micro-scratches emergence.
  • Do not wash the Roden hookah with water exceeding 40°C.
  • Do not point open fire at Roden hookahs.
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